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What is diagnostic?

The definition of diagnostic is something related to the identification of a problem or disease. An example of a diagnostic test is an emissions test on a car. An example of diagnostic is a symptom that is characteristic of a particular disease and that helps doctors to recognize that illness.

Diagnostics include using testing and other procedures to arrive at a diagnosis for a particular disease or illness. A diagnostic modality is an examination to establish the cause of a person’s condition, disease, or discomfort. Diagnostics can be as simple as a dipstick or pregnancy kit (rapid tests) and as complex as procedures that require special equipment, trained staff, and sometimes specialist skills. On occasions, some diagnostic procedures demand a laboratory setting and others can be done in the patient’s home, doctor’s office, or community.

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Purposes behind using diagnostic testing

Diagnostic tests are used widely over the world with the primary purpose of detection of disease, its outlook, and its spread in the body.

Diagnostic testing is used for the following purposes:

  1. Identification

Once your doctor evaluates your signs and symptoms, takes your medical history, and performs a physical examination, they will want to know the cause of your symptoms whether they are because of a specific disease or they are a byproduct of your disease process.


Your doctor will monitor your condition by asking you to undergo testing such as ultrasound or computed tomography scan and calling you for regular follow-ups. They may also order diagnostic tests to know if a particular treatment is working effectively on your disease.


A screening test is done to detect potential disorders or diseases in people who do not have any symptoms of the disease. You can ask your doctor if you can undergo a screening test for conditions such as breast cancer.

What are the most commonly used diagnostic tests?


X-rays involve projecting electromagnetic waves, a type of radiation on specific areas of the body to create pictures of the inside of your body.


To take a mammogram of your breast, your breasts will be placed on the flat surface of a mammogram machine and will be pressed by another flat surface of the same machine from above. This step is repeated to take side views of your breast. You may feel slight pain or discomfort that lasts for only a few moments during the procedure.

Ultrasound scan 

Diagnostic ultrasound is an imaging method that uses high-frequency sound waves to generate images of organs and blood vessels of your body. It uses a small device known as a transducer that is moved over your body or sometimes by placing inside your body.

Blood tests

Blood tests are used routinely in clinical practice. They can be nonspecific such as complete blood count (CBC) or specific such as thyroid function tests that detect thyroid hormone levels in your blood.

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