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Brain Stroke Treatment In Wakad

What is a stroke?

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds, or when there’s a blockage in the blood supply to the brain. The rupture or blockage prevents blood and oxygen from reaching the brain’s tissues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, stroke is a leading cause of death. Without oxygen, brain cells and tissue become damaged and begin to die within minutes. There are types of strokes, Transient ischemic attack (TIA) involves a blood clot that typically reverses on its own, and Ischemic stroke involves a blockage caused by either a clot or plaque in the artery. Dr. Priyanka Walzade Tonde is an expert neurosurgeon providing Brain Stroke Treatment in Wakad for years.

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Stroke symptoms

The loss of blood flow to the brain damages tissues within the brain. Symptoms of a stroke show up in the body parts controlled by the damaged areas of the brain.

The sooner a person having a stroke gets care, the better their outcome is likely to be. Tonde’s Neuro & Ortho Clinic is the Best Stroke Treatment Clinic in Pune which provides treatment on a priority basis. For this reason, it’s helpful to know the signs of a stroke so you can act quickly. Stroke symptoms can include:

  • Paralysis
  • numbness or weakness in the arm, face, and leg, especially on one side of the body.
  • trouble speaking or understanding others.
  • slurred speech
  • confusion, disorientation, or lack of responsiveness
  • sudden behavioral changes, especially increased agitation
  • vision problems, such as trouble seeing in one or both eyes with vision blackened or blurred, or double vision.
  • trouble walking
  • loss of balance or coordination
  • dizziness
  • severe, sudden headache with an unknown cause
  • seizures
  • nausea or vomiting

What causes a stroke?

The cause of a stroke depends on the type of stroke. Strokes fall into three main categories:

  • transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • ischemic stroke
  • hemorrhagic stroke
  • These categories can be further broken down into other types of strokes, including:

    • embolic stroke
    • thrombotic stroke
    • intracerebral stroke
    • subarachnoid stroke

    The type of stroke you have affects your treatment and recovery process.

    Ischemic stroke

    During an ischemic stroke, the arteries supplying blood to the brain narrow or become blocked. Blood clots or severely reduced blow flow to the brain causes these blockages. Pieces of plaque breaking off and blocking a blood vessel can also cause them.

    There are two types of blockages Trusted by Source that can lead to ischemic stroke: a cerebral embolism and cerebral thrombosis.

    Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

    A transient ischemic attack, often called a TIA or ministroke, occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked temporarily.Symptoms are similar to those of a full stroke. However, they’re typically temporary and disappear after a few minutes or hours, when the blockage moves and blood flow is restored. A blood clot usually causes a TIA. While it’s not technically categorized as a full stroke, a TIA

    Hemorrhagic stroke

    hemorrhagic stroke happens when an artery in the brain breaks open or leaks blood. The blood from that artery creates excess pressure in the skull and swells the brain, damaging brain cells and tissues.

Risk factors for stroke

Certain risk factors make you more susceptible to stroke. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteTrusted Source, risk factors for stroke include:


An unbalanced diet can increase the risk of stroke. This type of diet is high in:

  • salt
  • saturated fats
  • trans fats
  • cholesterol
  • Inactivity

Inactivity, or lack of exercise, can also raise the risk of stroke.

Regular exercise has a number of health benefits. The CDC recommends that adults get at least 2.5 hoursTrusted Source of aerobic exercise every week. This can mean simply a brisk walk a few times a week.

Heavy alcohol use

The risk of stroke also increases with heavy alcohol use.

If you drink, drink in moderation. This means no more than one drink a day for women, and no more than two drinks a day for men.

Heavy alcohol use can raise blood pressure levels. It can also raise triglyceride levels, which can cause atherosclerosis. This is plaque buildup in the arteries that narrows blood vessels.

Tobacco use

Using tobacco in any form also raises the risk of stroke, since it can damage the blood vessels and heart. Nicotine also raises blood pressure.

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